微波爐中產生微波的元件稱為磁控管(magnetron),它發射的微波頻率為2450 MHz,功率約介於500 至100 Watts 之間。微波爐的磁控管將電能轉化為微波能,當磁控管以2450MHZ的頻率發射出微波能時,置於微波爐爐腔內的水分子以每秒鐘24.5億千次的變化頻率進行振盪運行,分子間相互碰撞、磨擦而產生熱能,結果導致食物被加熱。微波爐正是利用這一加熱原理來進行食物的烹飪。
圖3-1 微波爐的構造圖與各部分動作流程
微波爐之右上方有一磁電管(磁控管),受到電流衝擊後就會產生微波振動;所以磁電管可說是微波發生源。此振波振動透過金屬管傳至 金屬扇葉形攪拌器,在透過攪拌器將微波均勻的散發至微波爐內金屬內壁上,不斷反射,直至食物將此波動吸收轉為熱能。
(1)眼部的危害:眼睛部分水分極為豐富,極易受微波影響;加上眼球許多部分(如角膜、水晶體)之血流量極有限, 散熱能力較差,所以一旦受到微波的侵襲,無法有效於短時間熱量驅散,而造成熱的殘留。長期暴露可能會有發生白內障的危險。
(1) 由於微波會在金屬表面產生電流,因此電流產生的熱如果發生在較厚的金屬 (如湯匙) 則可輕易的驅散,但若是發生在薄層的金屬 (如鋁箔及鍍有金屬表層) ,則可能會因為過熱而發生起火現象。
(2)金屬邊緣可能會因為蓄積過多電荷,當接觸其他金屬 (如湯匙) 時,產生火花而破壞微波爐。
目前台灣地區家庭微波爐普及率已達 55%至 60%,每年並以 5%的成長率逐年增
加中,而調查新竹以北的企業則發現高達 6 成的辦公室,已備有冰箱和微波爐。 微波爐這種不需火就可加熱的電器真的很方便,但是它的原理究竟是什麼呢?廣 義的說法應是,利用微波(高能量的光子)破壞水分子間,氫鍵(hydrogen)的
微波是一種具有很大穿透力的高頻電磁能量,可以自由地在空間中傳播,遇到金 屬面會反射,可在介電質中轉換成熱能,加熱介電質,就是所謂的微波加熱。微 波是由稱為磁控管的微波產生器產生出來,微波一般是 300MHz~300GHz 周波數
的電磁波。微波的利用常見於一般家庭使用之微波爐及業務用之微波加熱裝置 等。加熱的材料隨著接觸定在波位置不同而產生加熱不均的現象,因此為了要避 免加熱不均勻的現象,將材料放置在旋轉盤上或用金屬製的攪波扇在箱內旋轉,
操作簡便及作業環境整潔等;微波加熱的缺點為不適合誘導電體物質或金屬加熱 用、加熱物質的大小、形狀受限於電的性質與設備費比較高等。
由於微波特性的影響及其物質的交互作 ,常會造成微波加熱有特殊的加熱現 象。微波是一種以光速前進的電磁波,其行徑方式受電場與磁場的影響,受到電
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01. 水與微波加熱
波時,竟然在可見光頻段有那麼一個大峽谷。同樣神奇的是,水一直冷縮到攝氏 四度,然後在攝氏四度以下開始膨脹,這又是少有的。假如水在攝氏四度以下繼
水底的冰無法融掉,然後冬天來了,又有一堆冰沈下去,大概幾十年後整個湖都 是冰,即使夏天也一樣。生物是從水裡發展出來的,如果水沒有這個特性,可能
為什麼水和微波爐的關係這麼密切?因為水分子另外還有一個特性:它天生就有 電偶極。在水中,水分子的電偶極通常排列很紊亂,微波爐作用時,作用腔內就
有電場產生,水分子在電場中受到力矩作 ,電偶極就會朝著電場方向排列,電 場方向不斷改變時,水分子的方向也就一直跟著改變,不斷地打轉。
02. 能量與微波加熱
是否每打 個轉就增加一點能量呢?這倒不見得。例如船在水波上面,每來一個
時候,相互擦撞,這時大家的方向就亂了,變成了熱能,這就是微波爐的加熱原 理。
03. 微波加熱的頻率
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都是 2.45GHz)就是在這個條件下所選擇的,這是微波爐專用的頻率,所以不會
金屬作 腔壁吸熱慢,溫度不高,散熱少,這種加熱方法效率高達 50% 左右,
比傳統烤箱加熱效率(約 10%)大得多,所以也省電。
01. 微波頻率。
02. 微波的輸出功率。
03. 食品的質量。
04. 食品的密度。
05. 溫度。
06. 食品的形狀。
07. 食品的熱傳導係數。
01. 構造
係最密切的不是微波爐裡的微波,而是自己身上射出的微波。由我們體溫所放射 出的熱,就是電磁波,其中微波的成分還蠻高的。微波爐的主體是一個作 腔,
是個用金屬封閉的箱,微波射進去加熱食物。箱上有一個可看進去的視窗,可是 微波漏不出來。
A. 高壓電源(將電力輸送至微波產生器)。
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B. 磁控管(將供給的電力轉換為微波能)。
C. 耦合裝置(控制能量由微波發生器至加熱部,減少逆向傳送的危害)。
D. 微波輸送裝置(主要為同軸線與波導,用來傳送能量至加熱部)。
E. 加熱部(食品在此進行加熱)。
F. 密封或截波裝置(防止微波外洩)。
G. 感測與控制裝置(感測被加熱物之溫度、水分等品質變化以進行回饋控制)。
磁控管是微波爐裡面最主要的器件,它是一個微波發射器。因為磁控管可應用在 家用的微波爐中,產量動不動就是幾百萬個,這裡面的商機就很多,而最尖端雷 達所使用的磁控管通常賺不了錢,因為需要量常常只是一兩個,所以微波爐才是
金,簡直不成比 。
與機械構造有所 別,但是包括電源供應器、磁控管、波導、控制器及加熱腔等
01. 烘焙。
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02. 濃縮。
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微波最早是在1939年第二次世界大戰時,偵測納粹軍機的雷達所使用的一種電磁波。工作人員發現冷掉的咖啡,放在微波雷達附近會變熱,因而得知微波可以加熱。然而這種微波產生器需要用水來冷卻,體積很大,而且昂貴,所以無法普及到家用。目前一般家用微波爐所使用的微波產生器(magnetron)則是日本人Keishi Ogura所發明的,便宜、耐用又無需冷卻。微波爐與微波產生器的構造如圖所示:陰極在中間,陽極包圍在外圈,外圈呈不規則形狀。上下端是磁場。電子由陰極射向陽極,而磁場使電子圍繞著陰極轉圈,這些繞圓圈加速的電子會產生電磁波。家用微波爐的設計就是產生頻率為2.45GHz的微波。這個微波沿著導波管通到轉動返射器,以各種角度射到微波爐中,使食物加熱。
至於微波在化學反應方面的用途,直到1988年加拿大的化學家發現有些反應用微波爐可以加快很多,才使化學家對微波做化學反應有興趣。例如要合成一個化合物氰苯苯甲醚(cyanophenyl benzyl ether),用微波只需12秒就完成了,若用其它的方法則需12小時。然而用微波做化學反應,仍有些問題需要注意,因為有些實驗可能會爆炸,必需使用鐵氟龍(teflon)做的瓶子。此外,溶劑的選擇也很重要,極性越高的溶劑加熱越快﹔非極性溶劑,像己烷則根本就無法用微波加熱。而在分析實驗室中,常用微波加熱,讓煤炭、油及生物樣品溶於硫酸及硝酸中,以便分析其中所含的微量金屬。
美國加州大學戴維斯分校曾研究煮過食物所產生的香味。以傳統燒烤方式煮的食物,放出 (thiazole)、 喃(furan)及 (pyrazine)等令人垂涎的香味。若用微波則會放出 (oxazole), 吩(thiophene)及 咯(pyrrole)等的味道,較不會令人喜歡。他們認為是因為燒煮食物的時間較短,溫度較低的緣故。
用微波加熱是會使其中某些氨基酸,像左旋- 咯(L-proline)變成嬰兒不會消化的右旋- 咯。然而根據佛羅里達州邁阿密大學的研究發現,用一般的加熱板(hot plate)加熱牛奶,同樣也會使左旋變成右旋。
In the present era of rapid pursuit ; also will accelerate the pace of life , the food is cooked quickly and easily as possible , so the use of microwave ovens in today's society is very common , microwave oven radiation is one, it is the use of frequency for the 2450MHz radiation friction between the water molecules and heat ; thereby heating the food , and now we come to understand the construction and use of microwave theory and microwave precautions.
A microwave oven works and construction
1 , the principle
The traditional way of cooking is the use of heat conduction, radiation and other principles to heat , so must the first container , dielectric heating only after heating the food . Microwave heating methods and traditions from outside to inside in different ways, the microwave is once per second shock wave to form an electromagnetic field . Therefore a polar substances ( such as food in the water, fat , protein ) in a magnetic field, the molecules with the magnetic field oscillating back and forth impact , friction heat is generated with each other .
The microwave oven magnetron for generating microwaves element is referred to (magnetron), which emits the microwave frequency of 2450 MHz, power of about between 500 and between 100 Watts . Magnetron microwave energy into the microwave energy , when the magnetron frequency to 2450MHZ emit microwave energy when the microwave oven cavity water molecules to 2.45 billion thousand times per second change in the oscillation frequency of operation, intermolecular collisions, friction generates heat , resulting in food is heated. This principle is the use of microwave heating for cooking food .
Figure 3-1 microwave oven parts of the structure and operation flow of FIG.
2, Structures
The top right there is a microwave magnetron tube ( magnetron ) , by the current shock will produce microwave vibration ; therefore magnetron can be said microwave generating source . Discovering this vibration transmitted through a metal tube -shaped metal blade agitator , agitator in the microwave evenly through the dissemination to microwave metal wall, constantly reflecting , until this fluctuation absorbing food into energy .
Second, the potential hazards of microwave
We can microwave hazards arising subdivided into two categories:
A microwave leakage caused by scattered human hazards:
Most of the human body is composed of water , protein, fat composition, microwave itself clearly cause harm to humans .
Although the microwave does to the human body caused by the impact of , and now it has not been fully studied , but most scientists now agree that there will be the following non- cumulative hazards:
( 1 ) Eye hazards : the eyes of the water is extremely rich, highly susceptible to microwave effects ; plus many parts of the eye ( eg cornea, lens ) of a very limited blood flow , cooling capacity is poor, so once the invasion by the microwave , can not effectively dissipate heat in a short time , causing the residual heat . Long-term exposure may be risk of cataracts .
( 2 ) reproductive hazards: mainly refers to the male testicles terms . Men 's testicles if by microwave heating , the temperature rises easily hurt sperm production . Therefore, when using a microwave oven , to place it in the proper place , and avoid direct exposure to microwave groin may leak place . If the microwave oven for so long maintenance, there is a leak possible, so not suitable for pregnant women approaching , so that may affect the fetus.
( 1 ) Skin and subcutaneous tissue : In general, with the dangers of the microwave frequency is inversely proportional to the level , the higher the frequency ( shorter wavelength ) , the weaker penetration , damage levels are usually smaller .
2 , improper packaging container :
Heated articles which contain metal film , metal plates and the like, not only can not heat up the inside of the packaging , if there exists an elongated metal , sparks may occur . Painted with gold and silver thread of dishes, may be due to accept the wave , spark to make this part of the fall. The sheet metal debris scattered down will be scattered in food , there is a possibility of ingestion .
Three , microwave Precautions
1, the microwave oven can not use metal utensils
The reasons are:
( 1 ) As the microwave current in the metal surface , so the heat generated by the current in the case of thick metal (e.g. spoons ) can easily disperse, but if it is place in a thin layer of metal ( such as aluminum foil and coated with a metal surface ) , overheating may occur because of the fire phenomenon .
( 2 ) metal edges may be due to excessive accumulation of charge, when contact with other metals ( such as spoons ) when sparks and damage microwave.
( 3 ) Because the metal will reflect the microwave , so the food wrapped in aluminum foil of energy may be required to complete the cooking times , when cooked together with other foods , the food cooking level will be uneven .
2, to prevent microwave leakage
Microwave microwave design probably all can only appear in the microwave , but due to poor design or microwave leakage causes aging , may also be a result of microwave radiation leakage . However, the current data show that the amount of microwave leakage occurs microwave , mostly far below the level of normative regulations . Past studies have shown that the microwave for some heat-sensitive organs such as the eye, brain and testicles can cause heat damage, but these have occurred in the prolonged exposure to high intensity microwave ethnic body, and this exposure are also much higher than the microwave leakage. Use the microwave should be placed in a microwave oven cooking food , mainly because , in the absence of food absorption of microwave , the microwave will be repeated in the microwave scattering , and increase the chance of microwave leakage .
3 , to prevent burns
Caused by touching the cooking food burns , is microwave safe on another issue. Cooking liquid food more prone to such injuries , it is because of overheating (super-heated) caused. This is because the water is heated in a microwave , even if the still water , because there is no thermal convection , the heated water evenly over the boiling point caused by this time, if the liquid shake or stir the liquid in order to tableware , which may produce instant boiling , boiling water overflow, the resulting scald events.
4 , to eliminate microorganisms in food
The rate of microwave cooking food in water content, the amount of food and food density. Thicker foods may be because the cooking time is not enough , the heat in the food may not completely eliminate the uneven distribution among pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, if the cooking time can be enough to sterilization temperature , but also in food cooking is finished, allow the food to stay for some time in the furnace , the heat in the food spread, and let each part has reached the desired temperature sterilization .
One ● Introduction
Currently Taiwan families microwave penetration rate has reached 55-60% , and the annual growth rate of 5% yearly increase
Canada , and the survey found that enterprises in Hsinchu , north of up to 6 percent of the office, had a refrigerator and microwave. This microwave oven can be heated without fire appliances really convenient, but it is the principle of what is it ? Argument should be generalized by microwave ( high-energy photons ) destruction of the water molecules , the hydrogen (hydrogen) in
Bond . However, due to the hydrogen atom and oxygen atom , the electron affinity of the different between the hydrogen atoms of water molecules
With oxygen atoms bonded phenomenon has produced , along with the destruction of hydrogen bonds and reorganization , making the water molecules constantly disturbed
( Sheung Shui in the microscopic average kinetic energy of molecules expand over time ) , so the macroscopic observation , the water molecules rearrange
The results listed in the form of heat energy is released , so that the temperature of the water molecules increases with time , thus achieving the cooked food
Material effect.
II ● Text
I, on the microwave
Microwave is a great penetrating power of high frequency electromagnetic energy that can be freely spread in space , across the metal surface will be reflected in the dielectric is converted into thermal energy , dielectric heating , microwave heating is called . Is called a magnetron microwave generator generated microwaves , microwaves generally Frequency 300MHz ~ 300GHz
Electromagnetic waves. Microwave use is common in general home use and business use of the microwave oven microwave heating devices. Contacting the heated material with a different fixed position in the wave phenomena arising from uneven heating , so in order to avoid the phenomenon of uneven heating , the material is placed on the rotating disc or metal wave mixing fan rotates in the box ,
The contact material is fixed to the changes in the wave , to prevent the phenomenon of uneven heating .
Second, on the microwave heating
Microwave heating and conventional heating biggest difference is that the supply of heat in different ways, conventional heating is indirect plus
Heat, mainly by thermal conduction heat medium , microwave heating is overall heating , mainly by microwave radiation .
The advantages of microwave heating speed , high-speed mapping, uniform heating , select the heating , heat transfer efficiency ,
Easy to operate and clean working environment , etc. ; disadvantages of microwave heating is not suitable for inducing electrode material or metal , heating, heating material size, shape limited by the electrical properties compared with higher equipment costs .
Because microwave properties of its material interactions , often resulting in a special microwave heating phenomenon . Microwave is a forward speed of light waves , which acts by way of electric and magnetic fields , by the power
The role will be polarization field , so the first thing to consider because of the heating process dielectric properties caused by differences
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Selective heating phenomenon .
Third, the principle of microwave heating
01 Water and microwave heating
What is the use of microwave heating principle ? It is necessary to talk about water . Water is a very strange molecules in the absorption of electromagnetic
Wave, even in the visible light spectrum so a Grand Canyon. Also amazing is that water has been shrink to four degrees Celsius , four degrees Celsius in less then began to swell , which in turn is rare . If the water following the below four degrees Celsius
Continued shrinkage , the water formed ice will sink to the bottom , next year when the summer comes , because every so deep layer of water ,
The bottom of the ice can not melt away , and then winter comes, there are a bunch of ice sank , probably a few years later the whole lake is ice , even in summer , too. Organisms are developed out of the water , if the water does not have this feature , you may
Not have biological , nor humans.
Why is the relationship between water and microwave so close ? Because water molecules in addition to a feature : it is born with the electric dipole . In the water, the water dipole molecules are often arranged a disorder, microwave effect, the effect of the cavity on the
Generating an electric field , the water molecules in the electric field as being moment , dipole field will be arranged in the direction towards , changing the electric field direction , the water molecule also been followed in the direction changing and spin.
02 . Energy and microwave heating
Does every turn to make a little more energy? This inverted necessarily. For example boat above the waves , each to a
Crest , the ship goes up a little , crest after the ship has dropped , the next wave came, it did the same action ,
Repeated the same action , the ship's energy has not been increasing . This principle applied to the rotation of water molecules
The same is true on the energy would not have been increased , and there is no heating . To be heated , the water molecules surrounding must be
Something , so as to rotate at the same time , due to the collision between the heating .
Such as a piece of meat , so that electromagnetic waves inside the water molecules rotate , move side to squeeze the molecular composition of the meat , then you can
Heating . If all the glass of water can be, as long as the water molecules move between each squeeze becomes heat. We all
Clear energy is the kinetic energy of the order without chaos , the heat in the air inside is so . Kinetic energy of wind is not called
Energy, because the wind is blowing towards the same direction , is orderly move. With the water molecules in the electric field in an orderly move,
Nor heat, electric energy can also return pass . But when the water molecules and other molecules move huddled together
Time , mutual collision , when everyone's direction into chaos , into heat , which is the principle of microwave heating .
03 microwave heating frequency
Microwave heating is not only to make the inside of the microwave energy into the food , but also can be absorbed . Frequency is too low , the majority of wear
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Through food , the frequency is too high, the food is absorbed on the surface , not get into the inside, microwave heating frequency ( large
Are 2.45GHz) is selected in this condition , which is the frequency of microwave ovens , it will not
Interfere with communications . As the microwave energy into the food inside, while heating throughout , the heating speed . Furthermore ,
Metal wall heat for slow , the temperature is not high , less heat , the heating efficiency of the method of this up to 50 %, and
Heating efficiency than conventional oven (about 10% ) is much larger , so it is power.
Fourth, the factors affecting microwave heating
01 microwave frequencies.
02 microwave output power.
03 . The quality of food .
04 . Food density.
05 Temperature .
06 the shape of the food .
07 . Thermal conductivity of the food .
08. Specific heat of the food .
Five , microwave
01. Structure
Microwave ovens are the most familiar , and our relationship is very close . Perhaps we have not thought of , to tell you off
Department most closely microwave microwave oven is not , but his body emitted microwaves. Emanating by our body heat , is an electromagnetic wave , wherein the microwave components quite high . The subject is a microwave oven for the chamber ,
Is a closed metal box , microwave radiation into heat food . Box has a window looking into , but not out of microwave leakage .
Other mechanical construction as well
A. high voltage power supply ( the power delivered to the microwave generator ) .
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B. magnetron ( the supplied electric power is converted to microwave energy ) .
C. coupling means ( control energy from the microwave generator to the heating unit , to reduce the harm reverse transmission ) .
D. microwave conveying means ( mainly coaxial with the waveguide for transmitting the energy to the heating portion ) .
E. heating section ( heated food on this ) .
F. sealing or clipping device ( to prevent microwave leakage ) .
G. sensing and control device ( sensing the temperature to be heated , water quality changes , etc. for feedback control ) .
02 . Magnetron
A microwave oven magnetron inside the main device, which is a microwave transmitter . Because magnetron can be used in household microwave oven, production at every turn is a few million , and there's a lot of business opportunity , and the most sophisticated radar uses a magnetron usually losing money because the requirement is often just one or two so is the microwave oven
Businesses in the pursuit of true niche products. Accelerator is the same, please find someone to do have four , because the amount of
Not too little profit . Now in order to compete , the magnetron can do a less than U.S. $ 10 , with volume production to make the price
Cheap to such a degree , quite incredible, and the space used for microwave tubes may detect an asking price of one million United States
Gold is simply disproportionate .
Sixth, the use of microwave heating
Microwave heating rapid heating with a large volume , easy to control and adjust the energy conversion efficiency, automation,
Special district heating ability, reduce pollution and other characteristics, is an industrial manufacturing process indispensable equipment
First, the energy density compared to microwave heating Infrared heating is high, very wide application , which can be used in food , textile
Weaving, papermaking , chemical, electronics and pharmaceutical industries .
Microwave heating varies according to the user's divided into household and business use , although the device size, mode of operation
And mechanical construction has not , however , including the power supply , magnetron, waveguide , the controller and the heating chamber , etc.
Basic units are roughly the same. Families are using microwave function relatively simple, usually just set the microwave
Power and processing time can be ; For business use microwave devices , generally , and hot air and use , and can be warm
Determination , so the heating effect is better.
Substantially below their applications
01. Baking .
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02 . Concentrated.
03 . Cooking .
04 . Sclerosis ( mainly used in plastic ) .
05 drying .
06 blanching .
07 and finally dried.
08. Freeze-dried.
09 . Heating .
10 pasteurization .
11 leavening and foaming .
12 the solvent was removed .
13 sterilization.
14 thermostat .
15 . Thaw.
Participation ● Conclusion
With the pace of industrialization , its selective heating microwave heating , heating quickly and evenly , product quality , saving
Energy , etc., so that microwave oven gradually popular.
Basically , a microwave can be used for baking , baking and blanching , sterilization , etc., and do not rely on water as a heat medium , can improve vegetable
Preservation of food nutrients , ideal for family use . The microwave heating operation saving space, energy and can quickly rise
Lowering the temperature control , ideal for food industry use .
PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com structure and principles of microwave
Microwave in the food industry is more important applications can be divided into blanching , cooking, drying , sterilization, sterilization and thawed back to temperature
Other six .
Moreover , microwave heating may also be used in seed treatment, and pest control . In summary , the microwave heating only
In food processing applications can be widely used in the future there may be more developments.
Four citations ● Data
Note a , http://www.ccsh.tp.edu.tw/board/show.asp?no=2380
Note two ,
Note three , http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/demolab/phpBB/viewtopic.php?topic=7871
Microwave oven has been essential appliances for many families . So how exactly is the role of the microwave ? How discovered ? Microwave on some of the issues like whether to compare microwave cooking can not taste ? Microwave cause cancer? Microwave heating of milk is not good for babies ? Benpian will simply answer these questions .
Microwave Introduction
Microwave is an electromagnetic wave , the wavelength of visible light or infrared light wavelength is longer , but less than the radio or television waves wave length , the frequency of three hundred billion weeks per thoughtful between three hundred million . ( One billion weeks per unit of frequency abbreviated GHz). At present, all of 2.45GHz microwave oven microwaves are used , because the wavelength of water heating , the highest efficiency .
Microwave was first developed in 1939 during World War II , the Nazi military radar detection uses an electromagnetic wave . Staff found that the coffee cools down , placed near the microwave radar becomes hot , so that you can microwave heating . However, this microwave generator requires water for cooling , the volume is large, and expensive , so it can not spread to the home . It is generally used in domestic microwave oven microwave generator (magnetron) is invented by the Japanese Keishi Ogura , cheap , durable and without cooling . Microwave oven and microwave generator constructed as shown: in the middle of the cathode , the anode surrounded by outer , outer irregular shapes. Upper and lower ends is the magnetic field . Electrons from the cathode toward the anode , while the magnetic field the electrons circling around the cathode , the electrons accelerated in circles will produce electromagnetic waves. Domestic microwave oven design is to produce a frequency of 2.45GHz microwave . The microwave waveguide pass along to turn back emitter , at various angles onto the microwave , heating the food .
Wave ultraviolet light can damage the molecular bonds , visible light can excite electrons in the molecule , the infrared light allows the molecular vibration , while the microwave you can make molecules rotate . When the microwave encounters polar substances , polar substances causes the rotation becomes hot . The so-called polar molecule substance is the substance of the charge is not evenly distributed , but some places are more known negative electron , the other side is called the cathode electron less , water is a polar substances. H2O water molecules , the oxygen and the hydrogen end of an end of the negative electrode is a positive electrode . Therefore, the microwave heating vegetables, fish , fruit , that the water contained therein is heated due. However, not all the water molecules absorb the microwave . If the water molecules are fixed and can not rotate , it can not absorb microwaves and is heated. For example , the water molecules in the ice will not be able to use microwave heating . You can heat a cup of water with a cup of ice 90 seconds of the time, you will find that the water has boiled and the ice has not melted . ( Do this experiment will be used when taken directly from the freezer to the ice, otherwise there is a layer of water on the surface of the ice melting in the effect is not obvious . )
Microwaves used in home cooking and chemistry laboratory
Microwave wavelength used 12.24 cm , which means that some areas in the microwave energy is high, some low energy region . If an object placed in low-energy node , it will not be heated , so some rely on microwave turntable , so food can be evenly shine high energy microwave .
Microwave oven can be heated but can not make the food brown , which is not as good as conventional microwave oven place , but if having a " heat strengthened Area" food bags , we can achieve the effect browned . This heating enhancement area but in a paper bag coated with a layer of metal film . This can make popcorn and crispy pizza and other food surfaces . For example, in the microwave popcorn bag , heating the metal to strengthen the zone enables the temperature reaches 250 ℃, which is why the popcorn bag off after the blast , will cause burn marks . ( Microwave popcorn , do not leave the microwave too far to prevent the paper bag on fire ! )
Although enhanced food conditioning bags with heating zones of the metal layer, but generally the metal must not be in a microwave oven , because the metal will cause current to produce sparks. Graphite is also conductive , white hair in a microwave oven . And the metal oxide will melt, such as to take five grams of copper oxide or zinc oxide sample was placed in a microwave oven , can be increased per 10 ℃, so that the metal oxide on one minutes Needless melted !
Microwave microwave cooking food just one of a number of functions . Microwave can also be used in the air and maritime traffic control , satellite signal transmission and industrial use. Of a thermal power plant in Wyoming found the plant out of the exhaust gases emitted by microwave irradiation, can become sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide becomes nitrogen. In addition, " Science Monthly ," September 1993 No. No. 711 but also to microwave semiconductor materials reported.
As for microwave use in the chemical reactions until 1988 Canadian chemist found that some of the reactions can be accelerated with a microwave oven a lot , just make do on microwave chemistry chemists are interested . For example, to synthesize a compound benzonitrile anisole (cyanophenyl benzyl ether), a microwave just 12 seconds to complete , if using other methods need to 12 hours. However, to do with a microwave chemical reaction , some issues still need to pay attention , because some experiments may explode , it is necessary to use PTFE (teflon) do bottle. Moreover , the choice of solvent is also important , the faster heating polar solvents higher ; non-polar solvent , such as hexane and then simply unable to microwave heating . In the analytical laboratory , the commonly used microwave heating , so that the coal , oil, and biological samples dissolved in sulfuric acid and nitric acid in order to analyze the trace metals contained therein .
Early had microwave microwave leakage examples. For example, an analytical laboratory microwave nitric acid sample, because the acid vapor etching away automatic power system, so when the door is open when the sample is heated continued progress , and the operator did not know standing situation . Results One day he was standing near a microwave oven , because of the stand too long , the results because the heat shock and collapsed ! As for the domestic microwave oven will not escape out of the microwave because microwaves can not pass through metal walls , and glass doors inlaid with metal mesh . Even as the door a crack and escape out of the microwave is very small , you do not have feelings .
Microwave doubts
So some popular argument about microwave ovens , and whether the right thing to do ?
First, the use of microwave cooking out of food , its taste is different ? A: is different.
University of California , Davis, has studied the smell of cooked food produced . The traditional way to cook barbecue food , release (thiazole), furans (furan) and (pyrazine) and other mouth-watering aroma. If using the microwave will emit (oxazole), thiophene (thiophene) and cough (pyrrole) and other flavor, less likely likeable . They think that because of the short time cooking of food , because of the lower temperature .
Second, the use of microwave heating milk, the baby will be bad ? Answer : False.
Microwave heating is make some amino acids , such as L - slightly (L-proline) becomes baby will not digest dextral - slightly. However, according to researchers at the University of Miami, Florida found that , with the general heating plate (hot plate) heating the milk , also will become a right-handed left-handed .
Third, the microwave cause cancer? Answer: no .
In fact , microwaves can kill cancer cells. For example, in the chest, neck and head cancer cells , you can use the microwave heating , leaving the way dead heat treatment of cancer . Because cancer cells do not normally vascular networks , microwave heating , the thermal shed which can lead to cell death. Many years ago, there have been experiments indicate that laboratory mice exposed to long-term low-energy microwave , its higher proportion of chromosomal damage . However, the results published in 1984 , other scientists to do the same test is not been a similar conclusion.
A few years ago , there are lab found some plastic containers or plastic wrap, by microwave heating will release fatty substances easily absorbed chemicals , some of which chemicals may cause cancer. Since then manufacturers have changed the plastic prescription to prevent such incidents in the future ; addition, the added ingredient of plastic to make the plastic flexible , color and fire resistance of the compounds must be tested before quasi harmless listed use .